With daylight savings, your employees may start taking more time off to enjoy the great weather with their friends and family.
Employers generally prefer that their employees show up on time or early.
As mobile technology has become more popular with consumers around the world, many businesses have followed suit and armed their employees with smartphones, tablets and laptops that enabled them to do work from anywhere.
The Department of Labor's Wage and Hour Division recently investigated Austin Industrial Inc., a contractor based in La Porte Texas that performs maintenance and construction work for the Phillips 66 Inc. oil and gas refinery.
The economic recession put a lot of employers in a pinch.
The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) does not require employers to offer paid vacation time.
An employee of Montrose Memorial Hospital in Colorado has filed a lawsuit in attempt to recollect wages he is allegedly owed for overtime employee attendance, according to The Montrose Daily Press.
It's crucial that employers do not enact policies to avoid paying overtime at the risk of violating the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).
FMLA provides eligible employees job protection if they need to take time off to recover from a serious illness, care for a newborn child or ailing family member.
The corporate business environment is changing, with more consumers working remotely and doing the majority of their tasks on computers.