Time & Attendance News

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Check Out iSolved's New Time Off Request Functionality - just in time for summer vacations

With daylight savings, your employees may start taking more time off to enjoy the great weather with their friends and family.

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Recent Headlines

Employee overtime claims surge

May 31, 2012

Recent reports have indicated employee overtime lawsuits were on the rise, but CNN just revealed how much – 400 percent since 2000.

Top employee overtime claims

May 31, 2012

Employee overtime claims are on the rise.

Businesses should approach unpaid summer internships with caution

May 31, 2012

Employers who usually recruit unpaid interns over the summer should approach with caution or consider offering paid positions instead.

Updating employee handbooks and communicating changes

Human Resources
May 30, 2012

Employers may realize a need to update their employee handbook to reflect policy changes.

Manufacturing industry could see rise in overtime claims

May 30, 2012

Production line workers are not considered exempt by the Department of Labor if they primarily perform repetitive tasks that require energy and physical skill.

Are teachers owed overtime pay?

May 29, 2012

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) was established in 1938 to guarantee workers' rights to certain labor benefits, including minimum wage and overtime pay.

Focus on character to avoid fate of JP Morgan CEO

Employee Policies Human Resources
May 29, 2012

Human resources handle a variety of company problems, including training, recruiting and payroll.

HP announces largest payroll purge in history

Payroll Payroll Processes
May 29, 2012

During tightened economic times, companies and organizations must revisit their payroll activities to assess where money is being superfluously channeled.

Employee absentee policies a delicate balancing act

Employee Policies
May 29, 2012

Employee absenteeism is a given for most companies. A business can reduce the number of missed days, yet it’s unlikely they can do away with absenteeism entirely.