With daylight savings, your employees may start taking more time off to enjoy the great weather with their friends and family.
The DOL often finds employers who are in violation of the FLSA's overtime or minimum wage provisions are also failing to keep required records.
The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) recently announced that it will be cracking down on California landscaping businesses.
Employees in low-wage industries are often victims of wage theft and violations of the labor rights violations.
Portland-based freight broker R.M. International was recently ordered to pay 177 employees back wages totaling $376,380.
The Permian Basin Community Centers for Mental Health and Mental Retardation was recently investigated by the Department of Labor and found in violation of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) overtime provisions.
The Arizona Attorney General's Office recently announced that it will provide officers from the Mohave County Sheriff's Office overtime pay to patrol Colorado City.
Walgreens was recently slapped with a class action lawsuit for off-the-clock work time.
The Hilton Hotel near the Los Angeles Airport (LAX) recently settled an employee overtime lawsuit by paying workers $2.5 million in back wages.
Catalina Restaurant Group and JoJo's California Family Restaurants were recently notified that overtime attorneys had filed a class action complaint against them for labor law violations.