ZipRealty settles time and attendance wage case

Real estate company ZipRealty recently reached a $586,000 settlement in a time and attendance case involving four of its agents.

The agents filed wage claims with the Labor Commission on the grounds that they were not compensated in accordance with minimum wage and overtime employee attendance provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act.

The settlement came at a time when the real estate industry is beleaguered by the unfavorable economic climate, noted Christine Baker, acting director of the California Department of Industrial Relations.

"Real estate traditionally is not known as a low wage industry (but) in the current economy we have seen a change in scenario where real estate agents may earn less than the minimum wage," said Baker. "Employers who previously were not concerned with minimum wage issues are now put on notice to ensure they are providing those basic protections to workers."

In September, the labor commissioner filed a $17 million lawsuit against ZipRealty to recover back pay for its agents throughout California. Minimum wage in the state is currently $8, and overtime rates must be paid when non-exempt employees work for more than eight hours in one day or 40 hours per week. 

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