When companies have a position to fill, it might seem natural to look within their current staff for a high-achieving candidate who is ready to advance. There a number of benefits that businesses can realize when they fill newly opened positions internally, however, there can also be drawbacks, according to the
Online Recruitment Source.
To avoid a number of common 'syndromes' listed by the source that can lead to internal hiring mistakes, companies may want to consider external employee recruitment. For example, human resources teams or supervisors put in charge of position appointments might choose to promote employees because they attended better colleges rather than for their accolades at the company. This is known as the Stereotype syndrome.
Other conditions included in the Online Recruitment Source article include the Octopus syndrome, in which employers expect too much from their newly advanced staff members and the Caesar syndrome, characterized by ambitious individuals who turn their backs on those who helped them rise to power.
There are now more channels to identify qualified candidates for positions, with social media becoming an important avenue for employee recruiting on top of web-based job boards, word-of-mouth recommendations and traditional listings in the local paper. Small businesses might find it's easy to avoid common mistakes when it comes time to add employees to their payrolls by outsourcing human resources tasks.
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