The California Labor Commissioner recently cited a Chino warehouse and distribution company called Quetico, LLC, for not properly paying its employees for their time & attendance. Because the company did not have enough timeclocks to accommodate the hundreds of workers it employed on site, as many as 865 employees lost wages for work they performed.
According to reports from investigations, employees lined up to punch in for scheduled shifts because the employer only have one working timeclock available. This process cut into their work time and to keep employee attendance totals up, many workers began arriving early to avoid long lines or staying late after shifts were finished. However, the employer would sometimes go back to correct the time totals to reflect a standard work day, the investigators allege.
Moreover, this timekeeping issue cut into employees' meal and rest breaks because they were forced to wait in lines so they could get back to work sooner.
"Wage theft takes many forms. My office will crack down on any employer who is taking hard-earned wages from workers by falsifying time cards and systematically preventing employees from taking a full meal break," said Labor Commissioner Julie A. Su.
As a result of the timeclock sparsity, Quetico has been issued citations that seek more than $1 million in back wages for affected employees.
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