Top three reasons to outsource human resources

Small business owners that are first starting out with just a few employees may not have very much trouble organizing the necessary paperwork for payroll and income taxes, schedules and paychecks. As companies grow and new hires are brought on, however, owners might find they are spending an unreasonable amount of time processing those files, which can keep them from other important tasks.

In fact, payroll-related tasks take up between 20 and 40 percent of small business owners' time. Fortunately, they now have the option of outsourcing human resources to unburden themselves from those tasks. The top three reasons for choosing this option include:

1. Gaining access to skills and knowledge
Hiring professional human resources teams can help small businesses comply with federal and state laws because they have access to individuals who fully understand those requirements, according to The Guardian.

2. Reduce risks
As a result of that advanced knowledge regarding the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and labor rights, businesses might be able to avoid violations for not paying employees properly for their time and attendance.

3. Save time and moneyMoreover, outsourcing these services can save business leaders the time they would otherwise have to allocate to HR-related paperwork, and the money it might cost to hire full-time team members to fulfill these positions. 

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