Today's business culture demands more employee tracking

The corporate business environment is changing, with more consumers working remotely and doing the majority of their tasks on computers. While the digital era has streamlined many tasks - employees can quickly search through electronic documents instead of searching through filing cabinets - it has introduced new distractions.

A recent article from Forbes points out that because employees do much of their work online, they are often subject to entertaining diversions, from cat videos and social network updates to managing personal bank accounts. It can be difficult for supervisors to determine the employees who are being productive from those who are straying, which has prompted some companies to increase employee tracking

Some companies have implemented time tracking software that accounts for employees' daily tasks, the source adds. Time and attendance monitoring is also an important way to avoid compliance issues with the Department of Labor. A timekeeping application allows workers to clock in remotely, so employers can keep tabs on their work hours when they are out of the office. That way, the company can see that workers were putting in the necessary time and verify that wages reflect the total number of hours they put on the clock.