It seemed that telecommuting was an unstoppable trend, but then Melissa Mayer announced Yahoo would no longer allow its employees to work from home. Mayer believed collaboration was easier when employees were physically in the office, working together and meeting for face-to-face discussions. However, other business executives have different ideas about the best ways to foster collaborative and productive workplaces. Tony Hsieh of Zappos recently spoke about the situations he believes work best - community-oriented open environments that give employees flexibility when choosing where to put in their time and attendance, as reported by Business Insider.
If companies decide a flexible work environment is the right choice for their firms, they must find new ways to track employee attendance for record-keeping and payroll processes. In a traditional workplace, employees might be required to punch in on timeclocks when they arrive for work and before going home at the end of the day. Because this isn't possible for remote staff members, companies must implement a new strategy. There are now mobile timekeeping applications that employees can access on smartphones or tablets to account for their time on the job, as well as online portals that enable workers to log in regardless of their physical locations.
Once payroll is taken care of, companies will still need to implement new policies regarding work-from-home expectations to ensure employees and supervisors are on the same page and in communication with one another, according to Forbes.
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