Tips for combating time theft

Employers want their staff to produce at the highest level, but the increase in web-based work and mobile devices offer attractive distractions in the workplace. Time theft is not only wasteful, but can effect a company's bottom line as well.

Employees are increasingly using their time to check up on social media accounts, with other diverting browsing just one click away. Implementing an office web filter can cut down on or even block the amount of senseless web searches.

Similarly, internet tracking and logging will keep a record of an employee's web activities. That log can later be used in a employee audit and during a performance review to examine one's time management practices.

Monitoring time and attendance through a timeclock will also provide insight into how time is spent in the office. Employees may cut five or 10 minutes off on each end of the day or for their lunch break, but minutes add up. If employees are aware their time is being monitored, they are more likely to cut down on misused time.

Supervisors cannot always monitor their employees so reducing time theft may take some creativity. Installing these passive measures should lead to improved productivity without employees feeling like they are constantly being watched.