Third La Nopalera restaurant found in violation of FLSA

A third La Nopalera location in Gainesville, Florida, was recently investigated by the Department of Labor's (DOL) Wage and Hour Division and found in violation of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), according to Business Management Daily. Employers at the restaurant chain agreed to pay 24 employees $176,377 in back wages for lost minimum wage and two employees $1,558 for unpaid overtime.

In all, the business is paying $178,000 to settle the violations, which transpired because the employer failed to pay employees the hourly wages they were owed for time and attendance, the source explained. Rather, workers were compensated solely with tips.

This comes after news was released by the DOL that two other La Nopalera restaurants in Jacksonville, Florida, were also violating the FLSA and were ordered to pay 30 workers $934,000. Similar violations were found across all three locations.

The FLSA guarantees that non-exempt workers receive at least minimum wage for all of their hours worked and time-and-a-half rates for any employee attendance that exceeds 40 hours. If employers struggle to maintain accurate records of this information, they can consider using an advanced payroll processing system that will automatically calculate the correct totals.