According to a recent BNA survey, employers' approaches to holiday time and attendance have become less generous for the second year in a row.
Specifically, 72 percent of employers surveyed said they designated both Thanksgiving Day and the day after as paid holidays this year - a 2 percent decrease from 2010. Last year's 74 percent represented a significant decrease from the 79 percent of 2009.
With regard to employee attendance compensation, 45 percent of employers said they would pay either time-and-a-half or double-time for those who work on Thanksgiving Day.
Two days off are most likely to be enjoyed in the manufacturing industry, as nine out of 10 manufacturers said they would give their workers a four-day weekend, compared to seven out of 10 in non-manufacturing and 63 of those in the healthcare, educational and government industries. Non-union organizations are 9 percent more likely to offer a four-day weekend,
Organizations with fewer than 1,000 employees are 24 percent more likely to offer a four-day weekend, and non-union organizations are 9 percent more likely compared to unionized ones.
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