Pittsburgh-based oil refinery Sunoco was recently ordered to pay $675,000 to employees to settle an overtime dispute, according to
Courthouse News. United States Federal Judge Eduardo Robreno recently heard the case and approved the settlement, which will be dispersed among employees who claimed they were not properly compensated for their
time attendance.
Each employee who participated in the suit will receive a settlement, averaging $878.33 and capped at $1,000, the source notes. According to the claims, the employer failed to pay workers the wages they were owed for tasks performed before and after scheduled shifts. Moreover, employees did not receive compensation for preparing and maintaining work equipment and time spent traveling to and from work sites.
According to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), employers must compensate workers for cleaning or preparing machinery that's required to perform their primary duties. This can become especially problematic for businesses if this additional work time pushes employees' total hours worked past 40 in workweek. If that's the case, employees are owed time-and-half pay rates for their preparatory work.
Instead of using a payroll system that automatically generates time attendance sheets based on schedules, employers may want to install a
timeclock that allows workers to punch in when they arrive and clock out when they leave.
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