Six industries prepare for employee recruitment in 2013

The economy is improving across a number of sectors. The construction industry is finally seeing new contracts, small businesses are becoming more optimistic and retailers are bringing on season staffers for the busiest time of the year.

There are six areas in particular that are staged for growth in 2013, which means increased recruiting efforts, according to FindEmployment. Technology jobs are expected to increase through 2020, accounting for 30 million jobs worldwide. Green energy companies are also poised for expansion, especially throughout the United Kingdom and the United States.

Healthcare providers will also be hiring, as will financial enterprises to meet growing demands as the Baby Boomer generation retires and requires additional services in these areas, FindEmployment adds. Finally, retail businesses are expected to add positions to their payrolls, thanks to the surging ecommerce market.

As companies in these markets anticipate expansion, they should be sure to move forward prudently, considering the costs of recruiting new workers. It may be less expensive to recruit and train employees in lower-paying positions, such as retail and restaurant work, but the Center for American Progress estimates that regardless of the field, these costs add up to approximately 20 percent of an individual's annual salary. Therefore, they may want to hire professionals to fill their recruitment funnels, to ensure HR budgets are used more effectively. 

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