San Diego loses nearly $250,000 in improper overtime wages

San Diego city officials argued that a portion of the nearly $58 million in overtime expenses that had been erroneously paid to employees resulted from confusion over compliance regulations, according to local San Diego CBS affiliate KFMB-TV. City workers were shown to have been paid excessive wages in 2011 after an audit of city records.

Nearly $250,000 in overtime wages resulted from noncompliance with the city's regulations governing overtime pay, according to San Diego public broadcasting station KPBS. Employees made errors when reporting their compensatory time or annual leave along with overtime requests, resulting in the inflated wages.

City Auditor Eduardo Luna said he believes the city should standardize the forms it uses for overtime requests in addition to clarifying rules governing eligibility and training employees on the regulations, KPBS reported.

The current policy establishing what overtime means is open to interpretation according to city auditors. According to KFMB-TV, employees have understood the regulations to stipulate that work performed on a scheduled day off can be counted as overtime.

City officials such as audit manager Chris Kime recommend the city offer a clearer definition of time and attendance policy. KPBS reported the excessive overtime pay reflected 2.6 percent of San Diego's overall operating budget of $2.2 billion.

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