Some companies don't have to worry about recruiting new employees because they are sought after by prospective employees, according to
Smart Company. Brands such as Apple are considered "employers of choice" since they easily attract employees who are excited about the products and services.
To attain this level of recruitment success, businesses can develop a strong sense of their values and communicate these to prospective candidates, hire brand enthusiasts and offer potential employees great experiences, the source suggests.
However, sifting out the best employees is only half of the challenge. In addition to filling the recruiting pipeline with excited prospects, employers must make sure they are keeping their best employees satisfied and challenges, so they can retain the best performers. Some companies are reluctant to continually train employees for fear they will leave once they become more employable, Johan Merican, chief executive officer of Talent Corp Malaysia Bhd told
StarBizWeek. This may ultimately be a mistake.
"You need to invest while knowing that these people will leave, but in the long run, also knowing that the continuous investment will continue to attract a fresh intake of talents. If you invest and value them, it will assist in retention," Merican added.
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