Purdue University staff saw no salary increases in 2010, thanks to a university mission to cut costs and reduce spending, the West Lafayette Journal & Courier reports. The salary freezes - and some decreases - represented a targeted approach to rein in spending on educators while directing funds to other campus projects, including technology and infrastructure.
Some faculty members received focused raises, but the cumulative spending led to a second consecutive year of overall freezes for administrative and support staff, the paper detailed. Yet, even among the raises issued, both the quantity and value of those raises diminished in 2010.
"The fact that
payroll has been held constant or decreased slightly is a credit to the leadership team at Purdue, from the president down to unit and department heads," Purdue's treasurer and executive vice president for business and finance, Al Diaz, stated to the paper.
In 2009, the university issued 842 raises to faculty, administrative staff and other employees. That number fell to 472 in 2010, according to the Journal. Overall, there were 155 fewer employees at Purdue in 2010, while overall payroll figures fell 0.8 percent to $535.5 million.
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