Priming the employee recruiting pool

The employee recruiting environment is becoming increasingly competitive, according to EConsultancy. When it comes to identifying candidates for certain high-demand positions, such as web developers, social media managers or sales staff members, recruiters need to move quickly when making offers, since the prospect will likely receive other offers.

One way to counter this trend is the fill the employee recruiting pipeline with qualified candidates before a position even opens up, suggests the Birmingham Business Journal.

"It is not just posting and praying that all the great talent will come knocking at your door," said Andrea Lewis, senior consultant at Human Resource Management . "You have to turn that thinking around and determine on whose door you should be knocking right now, so that when you are ready to hire, you already have a talent pool that is primed."

To set up a pool of candidates ahead of time, Accounting Today recommends businesses create a profile for their ideal employees, then seek them out and build relationships proactively. That way, recruiters will already have interested prospects on deck, and they can move quickly when making offers to ensure the positions are filled with the most qualified individuals.