Employers may find they seldom crack open their employee handbooks. Flipping through policies and procedures might only take place when human resource teams are welcoming new hires or holding a meeting about an existing employee's behavior. It may seem like a productivity drain to go through these details on a regular basis, but it may actually save companies time and money the long run.
If an employee handbook is out-of-date, it might include policies that are no longer applicable or do not reflect the most recent Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) provisions. Standard policies include The Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) policies, equal employment and non-discrimination rules and worker's compensation guidelines, according to Inc. Magazine.
However, the business environment is steadily evolving and companies should now consider provisions that address social media use, sexual orientation discrimination and employee criminal history screenings, according to Business and Legal Resources.
Small and mid-sized businesses that do not have the time and resources to keep up with emerging laws and then draft employee policies on top of their payroll paperwork can outsource their human resources duties. External professionals have experience and familiarity that can make it easier to keep employers' payroll policies in compliance with the FLSA.
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