According to the Charleston Post and Courier, a payroll processing mistake has resulted in at least 90 teachers in South Carolina's Charleston County School District being overpaid by an estimated total of $100,000 since August 2010. The number of teachers affected could rise as analysis of
payroll records continues.
Terri Shannon, the district's executive director of financial services, said new teachers were erroneously put on a salary schedule that gave them more money than those who were already employed by the district.
"Our human resources and payroll offices jointly acknowledge and understand the frustration and anger that having to adjust one's salary can cause," Shannon told the news source. "This is not a one-department or one-person issue - it is a process issue, and it is a manual nightmare."
The teachers affected must now pay back the money by August.
Elsewhere in the state, teachers at Timmonsville High School in Florence County recently staged a sit-in and threatened not to return to school after failing to receive their monthly paychecks, according to SC Now.
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