Overtime pay spikes following university layoffs

Personnel cuts at Miami University, Ohio, have led to an increase in overtime employee attendance payouts, according to the Middletown Journal.

Analysis of payroll records by the newspaper found that 17 employees in MU's physical facilities department (PFD) earned more than $250,000 in overtime pay last year. The highest-earning hourly worker took home nearly $24,000 in overtime - more than half of his base salary.

Cody Powell, assistant vice president of operations for PFD, told the news source that approximately 80 of the department's 400 staff were cut in 2009. The PFD's 2011 salary expenditure was $11.4 million - more than $2 million less than the figure for 2009.

Questions have been raised about why some individuals took home more overtime pay than others.

"Because of our union contract, if one person's overtime earnings is extremely high, it may be because the others that have the same skill … choose not to take the overtime opportunities," Powell explained to the news source.

MU isn't the only university dealing with high overtime payouts. According to a recent investigation by the Dayton Daily News, 16 police officers employed by Ohio State University made more than $100,000 in overtime last year. 

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