There has recently been an uptick in the number of employee claims regarding unpaid overtime in Idaho. During the past three-and-a-half years, 44 lawsuits were filed to recover lost wages, up from 28 over the previous three-and-a-half year period, as reported by the
Idaho Statesman.
At the same time, unemployment rates in the state have risen, which some suspect have contributed to employee frustrations.
"When you don’t like your job, and the economy is strong, you focus on the future" Grant Burgoyne, a Boise employment lawyer who also serves in the state's House of Representatives told the source. "If you're literally sitting at home and doing nothing, and you feel you've been wronged, your mind turns to what you can do about that."
The news outlet explains that these lawsuits often rise out of confusing or misleading payroll policies, as well as employee misclassifications.The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) includes exemptions for administrative, executive, professional, outside sales and some skilled computer workers. However, there are stringent criteria for what employees' job duties must entail to qualify.
If employers are uncertain about whether or not certain workers fall under these exemptions, they might consider outsourcing human resources to get expert advice about labor rights.
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