Emergency medical responders in Rutherford County, N.C. can no longer work part-time positions on local rescue crews because of their full-time employment with county-level EMS providers.
The Rutherford County government made the decision because the total employee time put in by paramedics in both positions could leave the county liable for overtime payments, according to ABC News 13. A county lawyer said the overtime liability exists because the part-time positions have similar employee responsibilities and the county helps pay for local emergency operations. Therefore, federal labor regulations may not make a distinction between working on the local and county levels.
While the U.S. Department of Labor makes it clear that paramedics are not exempt workers, the concerns over combining local and county level employment are not shared in the area. Jerry VeHaun, EMS director for nearby Buncombe County, said paramedics working at both the county and local levels is common practice.
"I was surprised and I wondered exactly what they were basing their concerns over," VeHaun said of the Rutherford County government to ABC News 13.
Even Rutherford County employees, including Rescue Chief Alan Emory, said that the decision was confusing, the source said.
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