Modesto Regional Fire Authority Officials recently announced they have taken measures necessary to cut back on excessive overtime pay. Auditors recently found the new fire department, which was formed as a merger between the Stanislaus County Fire Warden's office and the Salida fire district just over a year ago, had racked up staggering overage totals.
Between July 2011 and June 2012, the regional authority exceeded its overtime budget by $776,000, and paid $250,000 in premium pay rates during one month alone, the report found.
The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) guarantees covered employees receive time-and-a-half rates for any hours they work in excess of 40 during a single pay period. This is the case with firefighters and other first responders.
Excessive overtime pay has been a problem in Modesto before, following budget cuts that left departments short staffed and resulted in $1.9 million payroll overage. However, the city now says it has filled the positions necessary to reduce those costs.
If cities are regularly exceeding their payroll budgets, they might consider installing a
timeclock in place of handwritten timesheets or implementing an advanced timekeeping system that will alert officials of overtime accrual.
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