Local eatery stiffing its servers

Meyer's Family Restaurant has been a staple of the Milwaukee community since 1961, offering area residents a hybrid of American and European comfort cuisine at "comfortable prices." Unfortunately, the restaurant may have been able to offer affordable prices by scrimping on payroll costs, according to allegations from the Department of Labor (DOL).

The findings from a recent investigation show that some employees did not receive time-and-a-half for putting in more than 40 hours of time and attendance per week, while they were given cash for some hours that weren't included on regular paychecks. Moreover, the employer failed to keep accurate records of employee attendance, the DOL reported.

"Food Service workers often work long hours in physically demanding occupations. These workers deserve to be paid properly," said Theresa Walls, director of the Wage and Hour Division's Minneapolis office. "The resolution of this case should remind employers that the department will not hesitate to investigate if they deny workers their rightful pay."

To avoid these investigations, most employers use a robust timekeeping system that includes timeclocks and payroll processing software. When used in combination, these devices gather accurate data about employees' work hours and can be used to calculate proper earnings.