Law enforcement agencies receive overtime approval for Labor Day

Alabama Governor Robert Bentley recently approved $250,000 in grants for overtime among law enforcement agencies. The funds will enable these organizations to effectively participate in the "Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over" campaign to crack down on motorists driving under the influence.

Between August 17 and September 3, law enforcement officers will be setting up DUI checkpoints to ensure drivers are safely operating vehicles throughout the holiday weekend.

Among the funds awarded, the Northeast Alabama Traffic Safety Office will receive a $29,875 grant and the East Alabama Highway Safety Office will be granted $15,475 to cover the additional hours worked, according to the Gadsden Times. Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), employers must pay time-and-a-half rates for employee attendance beyond 40 hours during a single pay period.

If officers accrue excessive overtime during these initiatives, departments could face budgetary shortfalls. To avoid potential problems, agencies can use a remote timekeeping system, such as timeclock applications that can be accessed on mobile devices. That way, department heads can track officer's time attendance and make scheduling adjustments if employees go beyond their allotted overtime totals.