More than half of Americans now own a smartphone and more than 80 percent of working adults admitted they use the devices to perform work-related tasks after they leave the office, according to a recent survey by Good Technology.
"In today's 'always on' mobile environment, secure access to corporate email and apps is a 'must have' vs. a 'nice to have' for nearly all companies," said John Herrema, the senior vice president of corporate strategy for Good Technology.
Herrema explains that while most businesses acknowledge that employees are now performing additional work, they believe it promotes a better work-life balance. Instead of being restricted to the office, employees can finish tasks even when they're on the road or at a family function.
Based on the study's findings, employees who are checking and answering work emails during their free time are boosting their
time attendance by seven hours a week on average. If these employees are salaried, earn more than $455 per week and qualify for an administrative, executive, professional or outside sales exemption, this may not be a problem. On the other hand, workers who do not meet this criteria may be increasing an employer's overtime expenses.
To prevent a spike in payroll costs as the result of additional remote work, businesses can establish a new overtime policy that addresses mobile technology, or provide workers with a mobile
timeclock application that will track on-the-go
employee attendance.
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