While companies' human resources departments attend to problems such as
employee recruiting, hiring and employee policies, as well as time and attendance issues, they also help promote the best working environment for the company.
Helping employees attain work-life balance has increasingly come under the purview of an
HR support center. However, a recent article in Inc. magazine by Jessica Stillman suggests that companies should no longer be making a distinction.
Instead, HR departments should be helping employees see work not as an impediment to their "real" life but as an integral part of it, something they're passionate about and proud of doing, Stillman explains.
"Love your work enough that it loses its distinction with your life and becomes one happy mélange of responsibility," Stillman writes, suggesting that employees stop trying to compartmentalize their lives.
Other companies attempt to bring more of the balance to work by creating healthy living programs that promote exercise and responsible eating habits.
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