Recruitment can be done most effectively when human resources professionals present honest and accurate information about the open position, according to
The Financial Post. Even though company leaders may otherwise be good at selling the brand's products and services, they should not bring those practices into interviews.
If recruiters present misleading information, such as promises of raises that can't be kept, or inaccurate job descriptions to get candidates excited about the position, they can end up with a high turnover rate, the source explains.
Although employers understand recruiting comes with a high price tag, they may not know that the exact costs. According to the source, bringing a new person on board can cost as much as the annual salary of the previous employee. These costs include retraining and bringing the new worker's productivity up to speed.
If employers are seeing a high turnover rate, they may want to bring human resources professionals in the corporate culture, so they understand the subtleties of the work day, and approximately how long workers are in the office, according to
Smart Business. Human resources teams that have an intimate knowledge with the overall company can do their jobs more effectively, and thus improve employee retention.
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