Social media has created a global network of users, consumers, businesses and marketing gurus that can help a company sink or swim. While using the medium in
employee recruiting efforts is becoming more standard, human resources departments can't forget to put in place social media policies for existing employees.
One area a social media policy will help to control is how and when the company's name and/or logo is used, as well as how it is being described by employees on social networks. Why is this so important?
A recent article in The Atlantic notes that when employees mention their employer on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, blogs and other social media channels, these potentially brief complaints or compliments can pop up in Google searches and can be interpreted as representative of the company.
"There are pros and cons to this - on the one hand an employee who is active in social media can bump up your business's search engine ranking, which is a positive," the news source explains. "And depending on their comments and activity, this can be a boon for your brand. Or, the opposite can be true."
HR is integral in the creation of such policies and the handling of any infringements. However, a designated social media expert can help companies keep an eye on what consumers, companies and employees are writing about them on the web.
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