Fingerprint time clocks are based on biometric technology used as part of a company's
employee tracking system. They function in the same way as a regular
timeclock, except they have an added component to prevent workers clocking in for each other and potentially facilitating employee time theft.
To add a worker to a biometric time and attendance tracking system, he or she must touch a finger to the scanner component of the timeclock. The scanner identifies fingerprint intersections and endpoints to establish a system of coordinates that is unique to each person. The employee's actual fingerprint is then deleted by the system for security reasons and the map of coordinates is used by the software henceforth.
In addition to preventing buddy-punching by ensuring employees who clock in and out are actually who they say they are, fingerprint time clocks are also useful for preventing security breaches in employee-only areas, as those whose prints are not in the system will be unable to access the area.
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