After more than a year of trying to gain back pay for time and attendance, the Frederick County sheriff's deputies have finally agreed to a settlement, according to Your4State news source. The court attorney said the 64 current and former deputies will receive overdue compensation for what amounted to a total of 1,000 hours of overtime. A new policy has also been put into place for overtime payments which will hopefully avoid any lawsuits regarding the issue in the future.
Each deputy will be awarded a different sum, ranging from $10 to $4,000, with the total amount of back pay equaling $105,000, the source reported. An additional $40,000 will be dispersed equally among the workers.
A lawyer commented on the case in March 2013, saying the situation came about because the employee tracking methods in place were not clear and failed to measure proper overtime payments.
The new policy was put into place for deputies as well as the county, and is effective immediately. This will help both the deputies working overtime to receive proper compensation, and will also allow the county officials to better track and pay their employees for their work.
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