Consumer spending has risen in November and the beginning of December with the holiday season in full swing. As a result, many companies have recognized a need for increased staffing and have brought on new workers. Whether they're seasonal temps, or potential full-time additions, employers must make sure they are engaging in employee recruitment best practices.
The Department of Labor and Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) have very strict requirements regarding permissible questions during interviews. It's important to keep in mind that
questions that may not seem discriminatory in nature may actually spark compliance issues if they are phrased incorrectly.
For instance, employers or interviewers can ask prospects if they are legally authorized to work in the United States, but they cannot ask job candidates where they were born or if they speak a foreign language as their mother tongue, according to California Employer Daily.
Some other forbidden questions listed by the source include queries about clubs and affiliations, disabilities, economic status, relatives or religious affiliations. If employers are uncertain about which considerations are legally appropriate, they can outsource human resources to benefit from expert advice.
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