Human resources handle a variety of company problems, including training, recruiting and payroll. Now, some experts are advocating HR departments take a closer look at leadership and reputation management.
This issue has become particularly salient in the aftermath of JP Morgan Chase’s more than $2 billion loss and the subsequent investigation about the leadership of its CEO Jamie Dimon. In particular, some have criticized a supposed lack of character.
Inc. Magazine explains that Dimon’s reticence to stand accountable constitutes a failure of character. Businesses can avoid similar claims by holding themselves to the same standard as their employees and taking the blame when they’re at fault.
Every mistake does not require retribution. Failures of judgment are human, must be treated as such, and weighed in the context of overall contribution to the welfare of the organization, the source explains. But when the person at the top is not held accountable, questions arise.
There are many ways business leaders can promote good relations with their employees, and one of the easiest ways to do so is by simply getting to know who works for the company, as well as the everyday processes.
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