Following up on one of his campaign pledges, Florida Governor Rick Scott announced a new website that will post the salaries and pension packages of all state employees. The website,, reveals the public salary database and all employees who receive a pension of more than $100,000 per year.
Additionally, the website will post information about contract records, rule-making statuses and other government procedures. Scott said the site provides an important bridge between government officials and residents.
"This useful tool enhances public access to government records so taxpayers can see how their tax dollars are being spent," Scott said in a statement.
However, Florida residents hoping to chase down high-earning employees will be disappointed to find that the database will not show the names and addresses of state workers. The site does show that more than 550 employees are collecting pensions above $100,000. Though his name is not revealed, the Daytona Beach News-Journal reports former Florida State University football coach Bobby Bowden tops the list with a pension of $213,000.
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