Employers should avoid common recruitment that may cost money and talent

The internet has become a hotspot for hiring, but it can lead employee recruiting efforts astray if employers don't start their search with clear direction.

"Employers sometimes struggle to find the right candidate with the qualifications to do the job, but who is also a good match for the company and its culture … Job postings, interviewing, testing, they all cost employers a lot of time," said Jan Hein Bax, president of Randstad Canada

Bax goes on to explain that in addition to costs funneled into the search, employers may lose money in terms of training, morale, productivity and termination if they move too quickly. Some common mistakes include hiring after the first interview and not considering individuals who are currently unemployed.

Business 2 Community explains that while a well-target online search can help employers find qualified candidates, taking an overzealous approach can make the company look desperate and produce more applicants than they can handle. A targeted campaign is will probably be easier for hiring managers to tackle so they can find the perfect employee.

Once they have found the best suited applicants, businesses should make sure not to lose them, according to Fast Company. The source cites a statistic that employees are likely to stay with company four years on average now, which puts the pressure on businesses to engage them and encourage them to stay. 

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