Employees' work-life balance goals demand 21st century payroll solutions

In today's technology-driven society, employees are asking to use their favorite devices on and off the job to make tasks more efficient and convenient. This can mean workers store business contacts in their smartphones in case they need to make a business phone call outside of the office. It might also mean employees ask to telecommute if they can perform work functions remotely.

Employers might see this more often in 2013, as staff members renew their efforts to achieve a better work-life balance and one-the-job success as part of their 2013 resolutions, according to a post by Natalie Hrubos that was recently published on the blog for employment and labor attorney Duane Morris.

Hrubos explains that individuals who want to spend more time with their family members might ask to set up a work from home policy this year, so they can spend less time commuting to work and be available if their children are sick. While this may be a problem in terms of completing their workloads, this can cause FLSA compliance complications if employers do not have the payroll processing systems in place to track time and attendance for non-exempt workers.

Mobile timeclocks and electronic timekeeping systems provide employees with a way to clock in and out no matter where they are.