Employee absentee policies a delicate balancing act

Employee absenteeism is a given for most companies. A business can reduce the number of missed days, yet it’s unlikely they can do away with absenteeism entirely.

Understanding this is what Chris Griffiths calls a "delicate balancing act" in an article for The Globe and Mail. Business owners not only must see the bottom line but also keep in consideration that sometimes workers just need a day off.

Fortunately, there are a few strategies to help businesses manage both parties’ needs. First, Griffiths suggests that companies create an attendance policy that’s both strict and flexible.

“You also have to communicate that it’s a two-way street. You have the best chance to create the best possible attendance records in an environment where staff are comfortable telling you the truth,” Griffiths explains. “If an employee wants some time off to attend a concert out of town, I’d rather know the real reason and work with that person to plan around it.”

For businesses that may not be able to afford more frivolous absences, consider making it possible for employees to work anywhere. Cloud computing technologies, such as Google Docs, can help businesses harness employees’ talents even when they can’t make it to the office.

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