When engaging in
employee recruiting, it's important for companies to remember that there are two specifications to keep in mind - job and personal - according to HR Magazine.
Not only does a candidate for employment have to have the qualifications to fill an open professional position in an organization, but he or she must also be a good fit in terms of the company's atmosphere.
The fact is, professionally unqualified candidates are unlikely to last long in a job. However, this also applies to those whose personal working style deviate from the majority of a company's workforce.
Because of this, the news source recommends that employers include a more personalized component in their recruitment efforts, "attracting those most likely to find themselves in tune with the organisation's working style and atmosphere and politely (discouraging) those unlikely to fit in or feel at home."
This can help organizations avoid costs associated with high staff turnover, both in terms of financial expenditures and stability within departments and teams.
Hiring managers can use their organization's
HR information system to identify candidates for advancement who are already familiar with company culture.
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