The U.S. Department of Labor's Wage and Hour Division recently announced a multi-year initiative to crack down on Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) violations in Louisiana's child care industry. Following investigations of 107 child care service provider, the Wage and Hour Division found that 81 were in violation of FLSA provisions, including minimum wage and overtime pay.
Many child card providers were misclassifying workers as exempt employees, while others frequently neglected to pay employees for time spent in training sessions. Other common violations included paying straight time - the regular hourly wage - for
employee attendance beyond 40 hours in a workweek, which qualifies for overtime pay rates - one-and-a-half times the regular pay rate.
Additionally, the Wage and Hour Division found that some employers were illegally taking deductions out of employees wages that brought earnings below minimum, wage.
"The goal of this ongoing initiative is to remedy systemic labor violations, ensure compliance among employers previously found in violation of the FLSA and promote sustained compliance throughout this industry," said Cynthia Watson, the regional administrator for the Wage and Hour Division in the Southwest.
The division plans to conduct investigations of provider's payroll records and policies as well as employee practices. Those found in violation of the FLSA could receive corrective action including penalties and payment of back wages.
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