Employers often provide, and even require employees to participate in supplemental training programs. Others mandate staff members attend work-related meetings to stay up-to-date on products and services or new policies. These occasions can be an opportunity for employees to communicate with managers and build a sense of community, but they can also result in an employee lawsuit if employers aren't well-informed about labor laws.
Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), employers must compensate employees at least minimum wage for any hours worked. This includes any meeting or training that's required by the employer, whether or not it's during employees' regularly scheduled shifts.
On the other hand, the FLSA does not obligate businesses to pay workers for voluntary training. That is, if an employees is participating in an educational program outside of work that pertains to their job duties, they are not guaranteed wages for that time. Similarly, any non-required training or meetings offered by the employer do not need to be paid.
If employers are not currently complying with these standards because they do not have in-house experts, they might benefit from outsourcing human resources. Professionals can help companies keep their payroll processing services in compliance with labor laws.
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