California restaurant companies sued for employee wage violations

Catalina Restaurant Group and JoJo's California Family Restaurants were recently notified that overtime attorneys had filed a class action complaint against them for labor law violations. The suit claims the employer failed to pay employees for all of their time attendance and neglected to apply premium pay rates to overtime hours worked.

Employees allege the restaurants didn't have a timekeeping system to correctly track hours worked. As a result, the employers didn't account for workers' overtime.

In addition, the suit explains the restaurants didn't schedule employees for shifts that were long enough to complete assigned tasks. Instead, the employers would require workers to clock out when the scheduled time was over, but still allow them to complete additional tasks.

Under the Department of Labor's Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), an employee's compensable work hours include any and all time they are permitted to complete tasks. Even if this extends beyond an employee's scheduled shift, employers are still responsible for paying them for that time.

Restaurant owners are often vulnerable to labor rights violations because they employ both tipped and non-tipped workers who are owed varying rates for time attendance. To avoid problems with payroll that could result in employee lawsuits, employers can install an advanced timeclock system that correctly tracks hours.