Tadros & Youssef Construction was recently investigated by the California Department of Industrial Relations' (DIR) Division of Labor Standards Enforcement and found in violation of minimum wage and overtime rights on top of other labor violations. The company has agreed to pay workers $877,876.64 in penalties to employees who worked on the Highland Oaks Elementary School in Arcadia between 2009 and 2010.
According to the complaint filed by one worker, the construction company did furnish pay for any of the work he performed on the site install doors and stainless steel. The investigation revealed the contracted company had promised to pay workers piecemeal for the work performed at the school instead of the minimum wage rates they are owed. In all, the DIR found 10 workers were not receiving proper pay for their
time attendance.
"Piece rate payment should never be used as an end-run around minimum wage and prevailing wage laws," said Labor Commissioner Julie A. Su. "Workers are entitled to at least the hourly floor for every hour worked."
Construction companies that find it difficult to track
employee attendance on various job sites might benefit from a remote
timeclock system. Some devices are both portable and rugged, making it easy for employers to reduce liability while performing tasks on-the-go.
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