According to the law firm Getman Sweeny, 450 global technical support representatives at the business news agency Bloomberg were recently awarded a $5.4 million settlement after they sued the global financial media organization for violations to federal time and attendance policies.
The class action lawsuit alleged the company denied the employees overtime wages, which violated the Fair Labor Standards Act. The case was brought before Judge George Daniels in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. The initial claim brought by the four lead plaintiffs alleged Bloomberg failed to reimburse the tech support representatives at 1.5 times their regular pay rate for all work performed beyond the 40-hour workweek.
Frequently, the employees were required to work during times that exceeded their regular schedule. For example, they habitually answered email and phone calls at home. Lead plaintiff Tania Montes De Oca said in a complaint dated January 2013 the department was chronically understaffed, which forced the workers to perform duties beyond their regular working hours.
Despite an increasingly high-pressure workload, the representatives were remunerated at a flat pay rate, regardless of the number of hours they spend performing their duties.
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