Employees of Baristas Coffee espresso stands across Washington state, in Tacoma, Shoreline, SeaTac, Kent and Auburn, will receive $85,000 in back wages, penalties and damages as the result of a settlement with the Department of Labor (DOL), as reported by
KIRO-TV. According to an investigation by the DOL's Wage and Hour Division last year, the employer was violating the FLSA's minimum wage, overtime and recordkeeping provisions.
Employees sometimes received checks that weren't signed, the investigation revealed. Moreover, some workers were issued paychecks for less than they should have earned during a given pay period. The employer was also failing to keep accurate records of
employee attendance.
"The firm failed to make payroll. They issued checks that were non-sufficient funds. They issued to some of these baristas photocopies of paychecks, simply a photocopy, and said, 'We don't have any money. You'll need to come back to work and take money out of the till,'" Donna Hart of the U.S. Department of Labor told KIRO.
Employers might find they can better manage their scheduling and budgeting when they use a payroll processing system. The programs can alert managers when
time attendance costs are nearing budget caps, so the employer can make necessary scheduling adjustments.
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