Avoid accidental religious discrimination

Religious discrimination may seem like a cut-and-dry situation, but there are parts of the law that employers may not know about - including some that will likely be a surprise. For instance, according to California Employer Daily, a recent lawsuit determined that veganism can be considered a religion. It's important for employers to know about the EEOC's religious discrimination rules because they can impact employee attendance and participation.

The EEOC web site states that religious discrimination involves treating a job applicant or employee unfairly because of his or her religious beliefs. Most importantly, a religion doesn't have to be what most would consider traditional, like Christianity or Islam. Anyone with "sincerely held religious, ethical or moral beliefs" is protected under the law, which is how veganism became a part of the conversation.

A vegan customer service representative in Ohio was fired for refusing to take a flu shot because the vaccine was grown in chicken eggs. During the lawsuit that ensued, the employee argued that her veganism is a moral and ethical belief, and the court ruled that it is "plausible" that she approaches veganism in a way that parallels a religious view.

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